My name is Laura Schreyer and I'm an foreign exchange student from Germany. I am 17 years old and my birthday is on the 2nd of January. I was born in a small city in Germany called Hohenmoelsen. I have lived there for my whole life with my parents until I came here. Now I'm living in Huber Heights with my host-parents and my 3 little host-brothers. I will go back to Germany after this school year but I really enjoyed the experience of going to an American High School. During Winter i danced for the Warrior Girls Elite and now I'm playing Softball. After I graduate from my High School in Germany 2021 I want to come back and go to college in the US.

Digital Design is one of my favorite classes. On this site you can see some of the projects we did. My favorite ones are the magazine cover and the shoe project. I also competeted at State in Fundamentals of Webdesign for Business Professionals of America (BPA).

I really like to travel. I have been to a lot of different places. My favorite ones are Iceland, the Maldives and Thailand. While I'm here in the US I travelled a lot. I have been to Washington DC, Hawaii and California. You can see some of my pictures under "Look at my pictures!" Make sure to check them out. If you want to see more, you are welcome to follow my Instagram @lauraschrxr.
Shoe Project
Name Plate Masking
Dragon Project
Tween Animation
Magazine Cover